Message of Change
Message of Change

What to Know About Guided Bible Study In Small Christian Groups

By AlanColeman577GH

Small guided Christian Bible Study groups have been proven to be more effective than they were believed to be in the past. In fact, most people did not like the idea of holding the Bible study sessions in small groups since they believed that the small discussions are not only shallow but also less ...
12.03.18 09:44 PM - Comment(s)

Benefits of Bible Study

By AlanColeman577GH

Bible study is an essential requirement for every person. Either you are a believer or not one is supposed to study the bible since one needs both spiritual and physical nourishment. Bible study means reading the word of god and meditates on the same. Every person should study the word and not forge...
12.03.18 09:40 PM - Comment(s)

Reason Why It Is Important for a Christian to Engage in Bible Study

By AlanColeman577GH

The bible is a message from God to humanity. Anybody who gets engaged in studying the bible knows more about God. The Bible teaches people on how God operates and ways on how they can plug into his good deeds to enjoy his blessings and escape any destruction. The following are some of the advantages...
12.03.18 09:36 PM - Comment(s)